Ace Your NCLEX Exam
Check your inbox once you’ve signed up. Each morning, you’ll receive a challenging new question written by our team of nurse educators and practicing nurses. What’s more, every question you receive is specifically designed to mimic the style of the NCLEX and reflects topics that have historically proven difficult to past students (SATA, lab value, calculations, etc.)
Respond to the daily NCLEX-style question to test your knowledge. If you’re a Premium member, you can check your work by viewing the correct answer and a detailed rationale that explains the “why” behind each question.
Every question you answer is an opportunity to earn points and win unique, nursing-related rewards. Answer three questions in a row? Earn 10 points. Answer all your challenges before 8AM? Here’s 40 points, early bird. At the end of the month, we’ll tally up everyone’s scores and give the top earner a free prize.
Simply by answering a few questions each day, you’ll walk into your exam prepared and ready to rock. Did that even feel like studying?
Our free service includes a daily NCLEX-style question delivered by email each day.
However, when you sign up today, you’ll immediately get free access to all of our Premium features for seven days. After your trial, you can continue Premium for just $20/month. Here’s what’s included…